Cerebellar Abiotrophy

“CA” or Ataxias in Kelpies

by Deb Maxwell BVSc


Image: What healthy Kelpies can do. Steven Robinson’s Kelpie, Barcoola Kiff, showing the coordination and athleticism of Kelpies, which would not be possible for dogs affected by CA. Image by Jen from Shoot My Style Photography.

Cerebellar Abiotrophies (CA) or "Ataxias" are genetic diseases in a number of dog breeds (and horses, people etc). They result in degeneration in the brain leading to the loss of muscle control and balance, ataxia, high stepping, wide stance, incoordination, falling over, difficulty jumping onto objects, fine tremors, a nodding head, difficulty eating or drinking from a bowl, and, occasionally, seizures.

Three particular types of CA are found in Kelpies (two of these also in Border Collies and likely Koolies).

With tests now available for CA, the number of CA affected pups being born can be greatly reduced.

In every mating, for each CA type, one parent must be clear.

To find out more, open this pdf file: Cerebellar Abiotrophy (CA) — Kelpie Ataxias, Update July 2020

Key messages: pages 1 and 2. The remainder of the article provides detail for interested readers.